Join our community to invest in what you believe in and alongside VCs.
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*This is for illustrative purposes only; these companies may or may not be associated with Qommit.
*This is for illustrative purposes only; these companies may or may not be associated with Qommit.

We’ve changed startup investing.
Now with more access and peace of mind

Find quality startups that you believe in

Build your portfolio in industries important to you. Explore our directory of VC-backed startups, featured lists and lists created by our members. If you’re not sure what startups or themes you’re interested in, ask our Qommit AI JJ.

Save your spot
with a commitment

Our structure is first-come, first-served, so commit early. Startups raise infrequently, but when they do, it’s competitive. We win on behalf of our members by showing startups our investor commitments.
Qommit Capital
About the startup

We don’t ask for cash upfront

Choose the amount you want to invest in the next round, and indicate how long you want to commit that amount. No cash upfront until the startup raises a round.

Get fair price and
fair terms

You get peace of mind investing alongside experienced VCs. You only invest when the lead investor is credible, takes significant portion of the round, and you get the same economic terms.
Conditions met!
Wire $10,000 in 2 days
Conditions to fund
Lead investor is credible
Take significant portion of the round
Same economic terms

Unlock a tailored
startup search

Fully customize your startup searches. Qommit’s AI software is your guide to finding the right opportunities for you. It will also provide valuable insights during your search.

Membership Fees

All members must complete our onboarding process before making commitments and investments. See full fee schedule here
Doesn’t include fees associated with the investments made into SPVs.


Gain access to investment opportunities as an individual.
Make and track commitments and investments
Access customer support
Gain an AI-powered assistant to navigate startup ecosystem
Cancel commitments anytime. Subject to a cancellation fee


Gain access to investment opportunities as an entity.
Make and track commitments and investments
Access customer support
Gain an AI-powered assistant to navigate startup ecosystem
Cancel commitments anytime. Subject to a cancellation fee


Gain premium access to the best our platform has to offer.
All Standard and Plus plan benefits
24-hour first look on startups that list with us
Waive cancellation fee for unlisted startups for one month after commitment
Doesn’t include fees associated with the investments made into SPVs.

Our team is here to help

If you have additional questions, contact us at
How is this different from crowdfunding?
We enable investors through our platform by following the Reg D path. This doesn't change anything in a startup’s standard journey. The startup goes about fundraising from venture capitals like they normally do and work with us to make a small portion of their offering available to our investors.

Startups raise capital mostly through Reg D. They have the option to raise through Reg A+ and Reg CF regulatory channels, but those are not favored by VCs and startups because of reporting requirements and other limitations.
What do you need to sign me up?
We will ask you for basic information like name, date of birth, and LinkedIn profile. It’ll take less than 5 minutes to get onboarded.
Can I cancel my commitment?
Yes. We only ask investors to pay 10% of the commitment amount to cancel.
When will my commitment convert into an obligation fund?
The obligation to fund will happen when we notify you that the three conditions are met: 

1) The lead investor is on this list.

2) Their firm is taking 25% of the round.

3) SPV acquires security with the same economic terms as the lead - except for voting, board, and information rights.

We check for the conditions when we are notified that the startup received a term sheet. If any of the conditions are not met, you will have the choice to participate, or not. If you choose not to participate in this scenario, you do not have to pay the cancellation fee.
What happens when my commitment period ends and no funding round happened?
You can extend your commitment and save your spot in the queue. You can also let it expire and be released from the obligation. You will not be charged a cancellation fee.

Are you a startup and want your believers invested?

Learn more

Hear from Qommit investors

Dan L.
Founder / CEO
I love the simplicity of this. It’s a new feeling where I have more control over my investing. I now get to build portfolios more thoughtfully and with better diversification. Before Qommit, I was reacting to what comes my way.